
Wednesday, June 09, 2004

What did you do all day? 

This blogging thing is a lot harder in the summer. It is a challenge to make our lazy rut schedule sound interesting, mostly because it's not. Let's see... for example, today:

Slept in til 8:30-ish... everyone for themselves in the kitchen, as usual -- toast, cereal, left over rhubarb crunch... whatever.

Watched some TV.

Finally got dressed -- only because DD had an early morning ortho appointment (ok- it was at noon but it's summer so noon IS close to being early morning).

Made lunch, did dishes.

Kidlets cleaned their room.

Watched more TV.

Called friends.

Played outside.

Played on the computer.

Ate dinner and watched a movie.

Did baths and prayers and bedtime.

See? Now aren't you glad you asked?


Tuesday, June 08, 2004

It's Crunch Time 

Rhubarb Crunch that is...

It is sitting on the stove top to cool slightly and then ... MMMMM!
Generous helpings spooned into bowls and homemade whipped cream to top it all and --
Lunch is served!

Then, it is Rhubarb Jam Time, and then it will be Rhubarb Bars Time (those will go into the freezer to be enjoyed at a later date). And if there is any leftover Rhubarb after all that, it will be frozen to be made into a strawberry/rhubarb pie when and if we ever get some sunshine to sweeten this year's strawberry crop.

Thanks "A" for sharing some of your Rhubarb with me!


Sunday, June 06, 2004

Time has flown by: 

I can't believe its been 4 days since my last post.

Thursday: Paid rent! That is always a good thing. I really would prefer to not let my kidlets experience the homeless adventure (again). Did some laundry that we promptly packed and folded into suit cases for a weekend of roadtripping (an adventure that I will repeat often with the kidlets). I LOVE to roadtrip! I have been known to cross entire states and back again in just one day just for the fun of it. And that is almost what we did this weekend.

Friday: Helped Friend "L" prepare for her special day. She and her hubby celebrated their 10th wedding anniversary on Friday and they marked this milestone by renewing their vows to each other. They had the ceremony in their church with their pastor officiating and the original wedding party standing by them again. It was a really special night. I was glad to be apart of it because I didn't know "L" at the time of the original ceremony so this was like getting to be there for me. We had a fun dinner (in the church basement, hehe all the lutherans will get that joke...anywhooo) that was almost like a family reunion.

Saturday: Woke the kidlets up at 5:30 a.m. so we could drive for 5.75 hours across state to Crookston for DD's FIRST real soccer match. She slept some of the way and I drank coffee most of the way, necessitating 4 potty stops! (I'm sure you wanted to know that!) The first game ended with Thief River Falls beating Bemidji three to two. The second game was against a rather large U10G team from Crookston. I was amazed at how well our girls did against this team despite being outsized. With only two minutes to go, our girls came from behind scoring 2 points to end in a 4 - 4 tie. I was impressed with the skill level, the strategies employed and the competitive intensity that these girls all displayed on the field. They really were two exciting games.

Sunday: Today was a Slip-&-Slide day. DS had received a Slip-&-Slide for his birthday and today was finally warm enough to stake it into the lawn. What fun. That is always something that I wanted as a kid and now (according to the box) I am not only too old but I weigh too much too. So, I had to watch as the kidlets whooshed down the yard and ran back around for more. As I suspected though, the toy was soon turned into a "river" for the PlayMobile SeaPlane and all the paraphenalia that goes with it. They got more fun out of that scenario than the actually intended use.


Wednesday, June 02, 2004

10 Tons 

I did't know what the deal-ie-oh was this morning. I just felt like I had a 10 ton elephant sitting on me. I struggled to get anything done this morning which was putting me in a fouler mood. I did SToMP my way through my exercises this morning... well technically it was afternoon by this time but it still felt like morning. Afterwards, I was able to play a few rounds of the marathon Monopoly game that the DD and I started on Monday afternoon. While rolling the dice I decided I was thirsty and grabbed a Diet Mt. Dew out of the fridge. Halfway through that I realized I was starting to perk up and looked at the can o'pop in my hand...hmmm... backtracking here... I only had one cup of coffee this morning and I didn't have another one because it was too hot in my house and the thought of another hot drink didn't sound good so I just didn't... not a good plan as it turns out. I missed the much needed caffeine of that second cup. I will remember to go for a can of diet something in the morning if I can't stomach a second cup o'joe. That should put that 10 ton elephant on the run.

Sometimes it sucks to be a non-morning person who is dependent upon caffeine and has kidlets who are adorable despite being absolutely perky morning people. I'm all fine now, now that it is midnight and no one is awake and nothing good is on the tellie and cleaning house would be too noisy and might wake the little darlings... but this is often what happens in my home. And tomorrow...? I will be sleeping in if I can and drinking diet coke, diet cherry coke, diet mt. dew... whatever is in the fridge and has caffeine and all will be right with my little world again.


blue blogger 

This is one of those times when I don't know what to say.

I know that I should blog something but I just don't have it in me right now.

I am tired


I hurt



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