Tuesday, September 14, 2004
Long Time -- No Read
Well, it has been a long time since I blogged. And I actually had someone complain about it. So in a back-door kind of way, I guess that was a compliment that even though I have been lazy all summer with my blogging habit maybe someone is still interested in what I have to say. So, here goes... hopefully I can still do this.
Where do I start...an apology? An apology for not blogging? An apology for getting out of what my kids and I fondly refer to as "the cave"? I would apologize if I thought it would sound sincere, but I just can't bring myself to say: "gee whiz I am sorry for taking a break from writing". I actually got to go outside, see the sun, catch some fish, hike in the woods, pull a tube behind the boat (with the kidlets riding the tube)...In other words I did my best to make the most out of an unpredictable summer vacation.
It was a much needed break. I am ready to write again and this time I am actually looking forward to writing and having fun doing the projects that are coming my way.
I am officially a hockey mom again. As of today. Today was registration which should really read "regi$tration". I al$o had to buy a whole new $uit of armor for the little warrior who has grown behind my back and over night nearly 3 inches this summer and almost 20 pounds heavier! Nothing I bought 3 months ago fits him anymore. He jumped 2 sizes this summer. I know that I am repeating myself but people in shock tend to seize on one thing and fixate on it to the oblivion of everything else. I am in a mild state of shock as I purchase equipment that will most likely not last half the season if he continues to grow at his present rate.
No matter. I know it will be money well spent in the long run. Neither one of us can wait for hockey season to start. I need him out on the ice because he has too much energy and he is starting to pick on his sister (& annoy me). He needs to be on the ice again because he has too much energy and he needs a focused outlet, other than his sister. He told me the other day that he needed to hit something and asked if he could have a paper bag to punch around the room. I don't know if I am making my point or drawing a clear snapshot of my home but I did -- in the interest of preserving my sanity, his sister's well-being, and his own safety -- sacrifice one brown bag as collateral to be damaged by my warrior in training.
Where do I start...an apology? An apology for not blogging? An apology for getting out of what my kids and I fondly refer to as "the cave"? I would apologize if I thought it would sound sincere, but I just can't bring myself to say: "gee whiz I am sorry for taking a break from writing". I actually got to go outside, see the sun, catch some fish, hike in the woods, pull a tube behind the boat (with the kidlets riding the tube)...In other words I did my best to make the most out of an unpredictable summer vacation.
It was a much needed break. I am ready to write again and this time I am actually looking forward to writing and having fun doing the projects that are coming my way.
I am officially a hockey mom again. As of today. Today was registration which should really read "regi$tration". I al$o had to buy a whole new $uit of armor for the little warrior who has grown behind my back and over night nearly 3 inches this summer and almost 20 pounds heavier! Nothing I bought 3 months ago fits him anymore. He jumped 2 sizes this summer. I know that I am repeating myself but people in shock tend to seize on one thing and fixate on it to the oblivion of everything else. I am in a mild state of shock as I purchase equipment that will most likely not last half the season if he continues to grow at his present rate.
No matter. I know it will be money well spent in the long run. Neither one of us can wait for hockey season to start. I need him out on the ice because he has too much energy and he is starting to pick on his sister (& annoy me). He needs to be on the ice again because he has too much energy and he needs a focused outlet, other than his sister. He told me the other day that he needed to hit something and asked if he could have a paper bag to punch around the room. I don't know if I am making my point or drawing a clear snapshot of my home but I did -- in the interest of preserving my sanity, his sister's well-being, and his own safety -- sacrifice one brown bag as collateral to be damaged by my warrior in training.